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How to Store Your RTD (Ready to Drink) Cocktail

Ready to drink cocktails are the perfect solution for anyone who wants to enjoy a delicious, well-mixed beverage without the hassle of preparation. Whether you’re hosting a party, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or heading to the beach, these cocktails offer a convenient and enjoyable experience. However, just like any beverage, how you store your ready to drink cocktails significantly impacts their flavor, quality, and longevity.

Proper storage ensures that your cocktail tastes as fresh as the moment it was crafted. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the best practices for storing ready to drink cocktails both before and after opening, how to preserve their quality, and the common mistakes to avoid.

Why Storage is Important for Ready to Drink Cocktails

One of the key reasons for proper storage is to preserve the quality of your ready to drink cocktail. Poor storage conditions can cause a cocktail to lose its intended flavor profile, alter its texture, and in some cases, lead to spoilage. For cocktails made with fruit juices or other perishable ingredients, improper storage can lead to unwanted fermentation or bacteria growth.

Good storage habits help ensure that the cocktail’s flavor stays intact, whether it’s fruity, spirit-forward, or creamy. You wouldn’t want your favorite cocktail to taste off or become flat due to incorrect handling.

Preserving Flavor and Quality

Ready to drink cocktails are carefully crafted by mixologists, using precise measurements and quality ingredients. Whether the cocktail contains fruit juices, herbs, or complex spirits, its flavor can degrade if not stored properly. Exposure to heat, air, or light can cause the drink’s flavors to weaken or even change.

By storing these cocktails correctly, you’re ensuring that each sip remains just as fresh and flavorful as the first.

Avoiding Spoilage and Ensuring Safety

While most ready to drink cocktails contain alcohol, which can act as a preservative, cocktails with more delicate ingredients like fruit juices, dairy, or herbs can spoil if not stored properly. Spoiled cocktails can lead to unpleasant tastes or, in rare cases, pose a health risk. Proper storage practices will help you avoid this and keep your drinks safe to enjoy.

Best Practices for Storing Ready to Drink Cocktails

When it comes to storing ready to drink cocktails, there are some general rules to follow to keep your drinks fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

General Rules for Storage

  • Keep Cocktails Sealed: Always ensure that bottles or cans remain sealed when they are not being consumed. This prevents air from getting in and affecting the drink’s freshness.
  • Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Heat and moisture can significantly affect the quality of your cocktail. Keep your drinks stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources like stoves or radiators.
  • Refrigeration: Certain types of ready to drink cocktails, especially those with fruit juices or cream-based ingredients, should be refrigerated to preserve their freshness.

Ideal Temperature for Storage

The best temperature for storing ready to drink cocktails is typically around 4-10°C (39-50°F), which is the temperature of most refrigerators. Avoid storing cocktails at temperatures above 25°C (77°F), as heat can cause the drink to degrade quickly.

Short-Term Storage: Before Opening

Before opening your ready to drink cocktail, it’s important to store it correctly to ensure the flavors remain intact.

Storing in a Cool, Dry Place

If you plan on consuming the cocktail within a few days, storing it in a pantry or cupboard is fine, as long as it is a cool and dry environment. Cocktails in cans or sealed bottles can handle short-term storage at room temperature, provided they are kept out of direct sunlight.

The Role of Refrigeration for Different Types of Ready to Drink Cocktails

For cocktails that contain perishable ingredients like fruit juices, dairy, or other fresh ingredients, refrigeration is ideal. Drinks like the Strawberry Aperitivo, with its fruity and aromatic profile, will benefit from refrigeration to preserve the delicate flavors. Always check the label for specific storage recommendations.

Long-Term Storage: After Opening

Once you’ve opened your ready to drink cocktail, the rules for storage change slightly.

The Importance of Refrigeration

After opening, it’s essential to refrigerate your cocktail. Even spirit-forward cocktails like the Green Gin should be stored in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness. For fruit-based cocktails like Downtown Abbey, refrigeration is necessary to keep the drink from spoiling or losing its flavor.

Sealing the Bottle or Can Tightly

Make sure to reseal the bottle or can tightly after each pour. Oxygen is the enemy of fresh cocktails, so using a bottle stopper or placing the cap back on securely is key to preserving the drink’s quality.

How Long Cocktails Can Last Once Opened

On average, an opened ready to drink cocktail should be consumed within 3-5 days. While the alcohol content can act as a preservative, the other ingredients can degrade after a few days, leading to changes in flavor or texture.

Storing Different Types of Ready to Drink Cocktails

Fruity and Citrus-Based Cocktails

Cocktails with fruit and citrus bases, like the Downtown Abbey or Strawberry Aperitivo, are more perishable and should be stored in the refrigerator both before and after opening. These types of cocktails are more sensitive to heat and light, which can quickly affect the freshness of the fruit flavors.

Spirit-Forward Cocktails (Gin, Vodka, Etc.)

Spirit-heavy cocktails like Green Gin can be stored in a cool, dry place before opening. However, after opening, it’s best to refrigerate them to maintain the ideal flavor profile.

Cream-Based Cocktails

Cream-based cocktails require extra care. These should always be stored in the refrigerator, even before opening, to prevent spoilage.

How to Store Ready to Drink Cocktails for Travel

Packing for a Picnic, Beach Day, or Travel

When taking your cocktails on the go, whether to the beach, a picnic, or another outdoor event, you’ll want to ensure they stay cool and fresh.

  • Use Cooler Bags: Insulated cooler bags are your best friend when traveling with ready to drink cocktails. These bags keep the drinks at the perfect temperature and protect them from sunlight.
  • Thermos Bottle with Ice: To conserve ice, fill a thermos bottle full of ice. This will keep your cocktails cold throughout the day without melting too quickly. You can use this ice for shaking or serving your drinks on the rocks.

Preventing Spills and Leaks

Make sure to pack your cocktails securely in a cooler or bag. If possible, wrap each bottle or can in a towel to prevent breakage or spills. Leak-proof containers are essential for any cocktails that you’ve already opened.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Storing Ready to Drink Cocktails

Leaving Cocktails in a Hot Car or Direct Sunlight

Heat is the biggest enemy of ready to drink cocktails. Leaving your drinks in a hot car or out in the sun can cause the flavors to degrade and even spoil certain ingredients.

Storing in Places with Frequent Temperature Fluctuations

Avoid storing your cocktails in places with significant temperature changes, such as near kitchen appliances, windows, or garages.

Not Sealing Bottles or Cans Properly

Always ensure that your bottles or cans are sealed tightly after use to prevent air from altering the taste or quality of the cocktail.

How to Tell If Your Ready to Drink Cocktail Has Gone Bad

Even with the best storage practices, there may be times when a ready to drink cocktail goes bad. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Unpleasant Odor: If your cocktail smells sour or off, it’s likely gone bad.
  • Strange Taste: A cocktail that tastes flat or overly bitter may no longer be fresh.
  • Changes in Texture: If your cocktail has developed an unusual consistency, it may be time to toss it.


Storing your ready to drink cocktails properly is essential for preserving their flavor, quality, and freshness. Whether you’re planning to enjoy your cocktail right away or save it for later, following these simple storage tips will ensure that every sip is as enjoyable as the last. Keep your cocktails chilled, seal them tightly after opening, and avoid exposing them to heat or light. By adopting these best practices, you can enjoy the delicious, expertly crafted flavors of Jannicks Drinks anytime, anywhere!

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